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A - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.GamepadButtons
The A button.
accessPointHit(int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.AccessPointListener
Invoked when an access point is encountered.
AccessPointListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for access point events.
AccessPointType - Interface in nintaco.api
Contains a set of constants used as an argument in API.addAccessPointListener() to indicate the type of access points that trigger the associated AccessPointListener.
acknowledgeInterrupt() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Acknowledges an interrupt.
ActivateListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for API enabled events.
addAccessPointListener(AccessPointListener, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds an AccessPointListener, which is invoked when an access point is encountered.
addAccessPointListener(AccessPointListener, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds an AccessPointListener, which is invoked when an access point is encountered.
addAccessPointListener(AccessPointListener, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds an AccessPointListener, which is invoked when an access point is encountered.
addActivateListener(ActivateListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
addCheat(int, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds a new cheat or if the address, value and compare match an existing cheat, updates the existing cheat with the specified description and enabled values.
addControllersListener(ControllersListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
addDeactivateListener(DeactivateListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
addFrameListener(FrameListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
addGameGenie(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds a new Game Genie code or if the code matches an existing one, updates the existing description and enabled values.
addProActionRocky(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds a new Pro Action Rocky code or if the code matches an existing one, updates the existing description and enabled values.
addScanlineCycleListener(ScanlineCycleListener, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds a ScanlineCycleListener that will be invoked at the specified scanline and scanlineCycle values.
addScanlineListener(ScanlineListener, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds a ScanlineListener that will be invoked after rendering the specified scanline.
addSpriteZeroListener(SpriteZeroListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds a SpriteZeroListener that will be called back immediately after the sprite zero flag is set.
addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
addStopListener(StopListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Adds a StopListener.
API - Interface in nintaco.api
The Program API interface.
apiDisabled() - Method in interface nintaco.api.DeactivateListener
Invoked when the API transitions from enabled to disabled.
apiEnabled() - Method in interface nintaco.api.ActivateListener
Invoked when the API is enabled.
ApiSource - Class in nintaco.api
A factory that provides the handle to the API and the way to setup the Remote API.


B - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.GamepadButtons
The B button.
BLACK - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACK2 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACK3 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACK4 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACK5 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACK6 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACK7 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACK8 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACK9 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLACKER_THAN_BLACK - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BLUE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
BROWN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors


CHARTREUSE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
clipRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Intersects the current clip with the specified rectangle.
close() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Terminates the currently running file.
Colors - Interface in nintaco.api
Palette colors.
ControllersListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for receiving controller events.
controllersProbed() - Method in interface nintaco.api.ControllersListener
Invoked immediately after the controllers were probed for data, just before the probed data is exposed to the machine.
copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Copies an area by a distance specified by dx and dy.
CREAM - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
createSprite(int, int, int, int[]) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Creates a sprite with the specified width, height and 9-bit extended palette index values.
CYAN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
cyclePerformed(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.ScanlineCycleListener
Invoked during the scanline and cycle specified in API.addScanlineCycleListener().


DARK_BLUE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_BROWN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_CHARTREUSE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_CYAN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_GRAY - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_GREEN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_INDIGO - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_MAGENTA - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_MINT - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_OLIVE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_ORANGE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_RED - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DARK_VIOLET - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
DeactivateListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for API disabled events.
deleteSprite(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Removes the sprite with the specified identifier.
dispose() - Method in interface nintaco.api.StopListener
Invoked when the Stop button is pressed in the Run Program dialog.
Down - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.GamepadButtons
The Down button on the D-pad.
draw3DRect(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws a 3-D highlighted outline of the specified rectangle.
drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws the outline of a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
drawChar(char, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws a character in the current color.
drawChars(char[], int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws text in the current color using either a monospaced or a proportional font.
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws a colored line between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws the outline of an oval.
drawPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawPolyline(int[], int[], int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws a sequence of connected lines defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws the outline of the specified rectangle.
drawRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws an outlined round-cornered rectangle using in the current color.
drawSprite(int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws a sprite with its upper-left corner at (x, y).
drawString(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws text in the current color using either a monospaced or a proportional font.


ejectDisk() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Ejects the currently inserted Famicom Disk Card.


fill3DRect(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Paints a 3-D highlighted rectangle filled with the current color.
fillArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Fills a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
fillOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Fills an oval bounded by the specified rectangle with the current color.
fillPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Fills a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
fillRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Fills the specified rectangle.
fillRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Fills the specified rounded corner rectangle with the current color.
flipDiskSide() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Ejects the currently inserted Famicom Disk Card, turns it over to the opposite side and reinserts it into the drive.
FrameListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for receiving render events.
frameRendered() - Method in interface nintaco.api.FrameListener
Invoked immediately after a full frame was rendered, just before the frame is displayed to the user.


GamepadButtons - Interface in nintaco.api
Contains a set of constants used by the API.readGamepad() and API.writeGamepad() methods, each referring to different button of the standard controller.
getA() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the contents of CPU register A, the 8-bit accumulator.
getAPI() - Static method in class nintaco.api.ApiSource
Provides the handle to the API.
getArchiveEntries(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the list of files within a specified archive that can be opened.
getCameraX() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the left side of the rectangular region of the nametables surface that is visible to the user.
getCameraY() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the vertical coordinate of the top of the rectangular region of the nametables surface that is visible to the user.
getCharsWidth(char[], boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Provides the pixel width of the specified characters measured using either a monospaced or a proportional font.
getChrRomSize() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Provides the number of bytes of CHR ROM or 0 if CHR ROM is not present.
getColor() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Gets the drawing/filling color, a 9-bit extended palette index.
getContentDirectory() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the configured generated content directory.
getDefaultArchiveEntry(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the preferred entry file name within a specified archive, which is based on the configured region and other file codes.
getDiskSides() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Provides the total number of Famicom Disk Card sides containing data.
getDot() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the current scanline cycle number, a value in the range [0, 340].
getFileInfo() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Provides a detailed description of the currently loaded file.
getFrameCount() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the index of the current frame.
getP() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the CPU status flag bits.
getPC() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the contents of CPU register PC, the 16-bit program counter.
getPixel(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Obtains the extended palette index of a pixel at the specified coordinates.
getPixels(int[]) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Captures the entire surface into the provided array.
getPPUt() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the contents of PPU register t, the temporary VRAM address (the 15-bit address of the top-left on-screen tile).
getPPUv() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the contents of PPU register v, the current VRAM address (15 bits).
getPPUx() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the contents of PPU register x, the fine X scroll (3 bits).
getPrgRomSize() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Provides the number of bytes of PRG ROM or 0 if PRG ROM is not present.
getS() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the contents of CPU register S, the 8-bit stack pointer.
getScanline() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the current scanline number.
getScanlineCount() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the total number of scanlines in the current TV system.
getStringWidth(String, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Provides the pixel width of the specified String measured using either a monospaced or a proportional font.
getTVSystem() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the television encoding system.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the directory containing the emulator resources.
getX() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the contents of CPU register X, the 8-bit index register.
getY() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the contents of CPU register Y, the 8-bit index register.
getZapperX() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Gets the Zapper X-coordinate or -1 if the Zapper is not pointed at the screen.
getZapperY() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Gets the Zapper Y-coordinate or -1 if the Zapper is not pointed at the screen.
glitch() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Induces a graphical glitch.
GRAY - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
GREEN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors


INDIGO - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
initRemoteAPI(String, int) - Static method in class nintaco.api.ApiSource
Initializes the Remote API.
insertCoin() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Inserts a coin into the VS.
insertDisk(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Inserts a specified Famicom Disk Card into the drive flipped to a particular side.
isC() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the CPU carry flag value that stores the carry/borrow/shift/rotate out/in bit for/from an operation.
isD() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the CPU decimal mode flag value, indicating whether arithmetic operations are performed in binary (false) or binary coded decimal (true).
isI() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the CPU interrupt mask flag value, indicating whether maskable interrupts are enabled (false) or disabled (true).
isN() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the CPU negative flag value, indicating if the most significant bit of a prior result was set.
isPaused() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the paused mode.
isPPUw() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the PPU first/second write toggle flag.
isSpriteZeroHit() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the value of the sprite zero hit flag, which indicates if an opaque pixel of sprite 0 overlapped an opaque pixel of the background in the current frame (the flag is reset on dot 1 of the pre-render scanline).
isV() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the CPU overflow flag value, indicating if an arithmetic overflow occurred.
isZ() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Returns the CPU zero flag value, indicating if a prior result was 0.
isZapperTrigger() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Gets the state of the Zapper trigger.


Left - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.GamepadButtons
The Left button on the D-pad.
LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_BROWN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_CHARTREUSE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_CYAN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_GREEN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_INDIGO - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_MAGENTA - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_MINT - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_OLIVE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_ORANGE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_RED - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
LIGHT_VIOLET - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
loadState(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Resumes emulation from a saved state file.


MAGENTA - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
MINT - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors


nintaco.api - package nintaco.api
Provides programmatic access to CPU/PPU/APU Memory and registers, to controller input, to save states and to emulation events via a multitude of listeners.


OLIVE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
open(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Loads a file and starts emulation.
openArchiveEntry(String, String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Loads a file from an archive and starts emulation.
openDefaultArchiveEntry(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Loads the preferred file from an archive and starts emulation.
ORANGE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors


PALE_BLUE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_CHARTREUSE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_CYAN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_GRAY - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_GREEN - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_INDIGO - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_MAGENTA - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_MINT - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_ORANGE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_RED - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
PALE_VIOLET - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
peekCPU(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a byte from CPU Memory without triggering side effects.
peekCPU16(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a 16-bit little-endian word from CPU Memory without side effects.
peekCPU32(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a 32-bit little-endian word from CPU Memory without side effects.
PostExecute - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.AccessPointType
Occurs just after an instruction is executed.
PostRead - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.AccessPointType
Occurs just after a CPU Memory read, providing an opportunity to substitute the read value.
PostWrite - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.AccessPointType
Occurs just after a CPU Memory write, too late to affect the behavior of the write.
powerCycle() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Presses the power button twice, once to turn the machine off and a second time to turn it back on again.
PreExecute - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.AccessPointType
Occurs just before an instruction is executed.
PreRead - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.AccessPointType
Occurs just before a CPU Memory read, providing an opportunity to skip the read and to substitute a value in its place.
pressServiceButton() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Presses the VS.
PreWrite - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.AccessPointType
Occurs just before a CPU Memory write, providing an opportunity to substitute the value to be written.


quickLoadState(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Resumes emulation from a saved state slot.
quickSaveState(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Captures the current emulation state into a state slot.


readChrRom(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a byte from CHR ROM.
readCPU(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a byte from CPU Memory.
readCPU16(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a 16-bit little-endian word from CPU Memory.
readCPU32(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a 32-bit little-endian word from CPU Memory.
readGamepad(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Gets a gamepad button value.
readOAM(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a byte from Object Attribute Memory.
readPaletteRAM(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a byte from Palette RAM.
readPPU(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a byte from PPU Memory.
readPrgRom(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Reads a byte from PRG ROM.
RED - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
removeAccessPointListener(AccessPointListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
removeActivateListener(ActivateListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Removes an ActivateListener.
removeCheat(int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Deletes all cheats matching the specified parameters.
removeControllersListener(ControllersListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
removeDeactivateListener(DeactivateListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
removeFrameListener(FrameListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Removes a FrameListener.
removeGameGenie(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Deletes a Game Genie code.
removeProActionRocky(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Deletes a Pro Action Rocky code.
removeScanlineCycleListener(ScanlineCycleListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
removeScanlineListener(ScanlineListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Removes a ScanlineListener.
removeSpriteZeroListener(SpriteZeroListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
removeStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Removes a StatusListener.
removeStopListener(StopListener) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Removes a StopListener.
requestInterrupt() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Requests an interrupt.
reset() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Presses the reset button.
resetClip() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Removes the current clipping area.
Right - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.GamepadButtons
The Right button on the D-pad.
run() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Activates the API.


saveScreenshot() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Captures a screenshot to the configured screenshots directory.
saveState(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Captures the current emulation state into a state file.
ScanlineCycleListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for receiving scanline cycle events.
ScanlineListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for receiving scanline render events.
scanlineRendered(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.ScanlineListener
Invoked after rendering the scanline specified in API.addScanlineListener().
screamIntoMicrophone() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Briefly yells into the controller 2 microphone on the traditional Famicom.
Select - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.GamepadButtons
The Select button.
setA(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Stores the specified value within CPU register A, the 8-bit accumulator.
setC(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the CPU carry flag value.
setCameraX(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the horizontal coordinate of the left side of the rectangular region of the nametables surface that is visible to the user.
setCameraY(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the vertical coordinate of the top of the rectangular region of the nametables surface that is visible to the user.
setClip(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the current clip to the rectangle specified by the given coordinates.
setColor(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the drawing/filling color to the specified 9-bit extended palette index.
setD(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the CPU decimal mode flag, indicating whether arithmetic operations are performed in binary (false) or binary coded decimal (true).
setFullscreenMode(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Enters or exits fullscreen exclusive mode.
setI(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the CPU interrupt mask flag value, indicating whether maskable interrupts are enabled (false) or disabled (true).
setN(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the CPU negative flag.
setP(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the CPU status flag bits.
setPaused(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Pauses or resumes emulation.
setPC(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Stores the specified value within CPU register PC, the 16-bit program counter.
setPixel(int, int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Draws a pixel at the specified coordinates and in the provided color.
setPPUt(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Stores the specified value within PPU register t, the temporary VRAM address (the 15-bit address of the top-left on-screen tile).
setPPUv(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Stores the specified value within PPU register v, the current VRAM address (15 bits).
setPPUw(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the PPU first/second write toggle flag.
setPPUx(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Stores the specified value within PPU register x, the fine X scroll (3 bits).
setS(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Stores the specified value within CPU register S, the 8-bit stack pointer.
setSpeed(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the emulation speed as a percentage of normal speed.
setSpriteZeroHit(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Assigns a value to the sprite zero hit flag.
setTVSystem(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the television encoding system.
setV(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the CPU overflow flag.
setX(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Stores the specified value within CPU register X, the 8-bit index register.
setY(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Stores the specified value within CPU register Y, the 8-bit index register.
setZ(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the CPU zero flag value.
setZapperTrigger(boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the state of the Zapper trigger.
setZapperX(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the Zapper X-coordinate.
setZapperY(int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets the Zapper Y-coordinate.
showMessage(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Briefly displays a message to the user.
spriteZeroHit(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.SpriteZeroListener
Invoked when the sprite zero flag is set.
SpriteZeroListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for sprite zero hit events.
Start - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.GamepadButtons
The Start button.
statusChanged(String) - Method in interface nintaco.api.StatusListener
Invoked to report a change in status.
StatusListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for status change messages.
stepToNextFrame() - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Resumes emulation for one frame.
StopListener - Interface in nintaco.api
The listener interface for stop events.


Up - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.GamepadButtons
The Up button on the D-pad.


VIOLET - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors


WHITE - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
WHITE2 - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
writeChrRom(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Writes a byte to CHR ROM.
writeCPU(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Writes a byte to CPU Memory.
writeCPU16(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Writes a 16-bit little-endian word to CPU Memory.
writeCPU32(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Writes a 32-bit little-endian word to CPU Memory.
writeGamepad(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Sets a gamepad button value.
writeOAM(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Writes a byte to Object Attribute Memory.
writePaletteRAM(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Writes a byte to Palette RAM.
writePPU(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Writes a byte to PPU Memory.
writePrgRom(int, int) - Method in interface nintaco.api.API
Writes a byte to PRG ROM.


YELLOW - Static variable in interface nintaco.api.Colors
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Nintaco is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of LGPLv2.1.